I figured I'm always quick to post something in a negative sense of things, you know, anti happyness. So I decided to post this.
Manly making a list of shit I like about life. Stuff that makes life worth living another day... Let's do this.
1. I think the world revolve around me. And it does.....You're an idiot and the world is a dumb place....you're right.
2. Action Movies....what action movies...its all remakes lately.
3. James Bond......Never will be as good as the Sean Connery years.
4. A hug from mom.....nicest thing you've said all year.
5. A pound from pops.....damn...daddy deals weed?
6. Brotherly love to your best friend(s).....GAY! Only people allowed to use the term "brotherly love" are those from Philly.
7. Love hate relationships with everyone else....its an "I love Marcus I hate everyone" relationship.
8. The eveloution of life itself......Life is evolving into death.
9. Knowning I will soon die and bet god I can piss furthur than he can.......and you win a prize for that??
10. Jokes about said god.......aren't very funny.
11. A up kept womans body.....hey...down home gals need love too.
12. The silouet of said body.....what the hell is that?
13. The laughter of a innocent one year old......not even YOU are that sick Marcus.
14. The various colors of my Chuck Taylor collection......so you're a CON man? got it.
15. efeding when ever possible.....once every 4 weeks is not e fedding.
16. Prohibition era.......so let me get this straight....you'd prefer a time when alcohol was illegal and marijuana was legal? I'm all for that too.
17. SLAVES!! (insert song) built our great nation's tobacco crops
18. Real Men of Geniuse commercials.......WHA?
19. Sports.........You play any??
20. Walking in my front yard with no shoes......sure prove the "racial" stereotype even further. You got a converse collection but you wear no shoes outside? WHAT?
Hence I did not mention sex and money. That would have being to shallow........I never thought anything was beneath you.