Freytag and Shabree are two different handlers, living on opposite sides of the country.
The character in NWR who was "craving" Shabree was Darkness.
Shaku Endbringer would wreck Kingpin. W-R-E-C-K HIM. The Wizard could wreck Kingpin if I wanted him to. So fuckin' boo-ya.
The JJ comic sounds ridiculously funny.
FWF was unbelievable. Only Marcus and Nik talk about EEWF. If BTW was soooo out of control... then it wasn't a very good federation. Granted.. I've heard about the place.. I see some of the talent that participated there... but if it was all circus with people just going randomly at anyone.. then ehhh.. not my cup of tea. Can't say that I wouldn't last there. I've dominated everywhere I've ever went.
Reason FWF gets such high marks with people was because of all that it was. It WAS the total package. It had longevity. It had ridiculous talent. It did things that other federations couldn't have ever imagined trying. It had a federation inside of itself. Even when the app was shut off.. people were still trying to get in.
Adam Young comes from BTW? Shit budday... 'nuff fuckin said.
When Worlds Collide? Has that tournament EVER had a good name? I signed up for WWC3. I emailed my character in. They didn't give Endbringer a match, despite being on the roster. I emailed them about that. They gave a match to Rob Chesbro instead. I brought this to their attention. They gave Endbringer a 1st round bye and then put me into a match 2nd round with a guy named Brass Monkey. My 3 rps to his none... NONE... he wins. WWC was a joke.
You wonder why the DCW guys aren't coming over here? Pretty safe to say that they aren't coming to TWD anytime soon or ever for that matter. Don't you remember the Des situation? Here's the app he sent me complete with picture.
Wrestlers Name:
200 lbs
Roswell, NM
In Ring Style:
Reputation (Face, Heel, Tweener):
Signature Move (1 and only 1):
UFO Crash
Signature Move Description:
Standing On the Top Rope Belly to Back Flipping Throw Suplex
Flying Saucer Press
Finisher Description:
Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault Body Press Suicida
Favorite Moves (if you have some):
Arm twist ropewalk chop, Axe handle, Crossbody, Diamond Dust, Diving bulldog, Springboard bulldog, Diving elbow drop, Axe handle elbow drop, Diving fist drop, Diving headbutt, Diving hurricanrana, Dragonrana, Springboard hurricanrana, Diving knee drop, Diving leg drop, Diving leg drop bulldog, Moonsault leg drop, Somersault leg drop, Diving shoulder block, Diving spear, Diving stomp, Moonsault double foot stomp, Mushroom stomp, Flying clothesline, Flying back elbow, Flying neckbreaker, Flying spinning heel kick, Flying thrust kick, Frankensteiner, Reverse frankensteiner, Moonsault, Corkscrew moonsault, Double jump moonsault, Triple jump moonsault, Double moonsault, Moonsault slam, Rounding moonsault, Split-legged moonsault, Springboard moonsault, Standing moonsault, Plancha, Senton, 450° senton, 630° senton, Imploding senton bomb, Seated senton, Molly-Go-Round, Senton bomb, High-angle senton bomb, Shiranui
Splash, 360° splash, 450° splash, Imploding 450° splash, Corner slingshot splash, Frog splash, Shooting star press, Sunset flip
Entrance Music:
"Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft," The Carpenters
Background Story:
Little is known about this wrestler, who wears a glittery, grey skin-tight spandex suit, boots, and gloves, and a grey mask with big black eyes and a small black mouth. There is footage of him wrestling all over New Mexico, California, Texas, and Ohio. The TWF Staff received some of this footage on a DVD, along with a note with a phone number to a satellite phone, and the comment "1 FOR YES, 2 FOR NO." When they called the number, all their questions were answered with one beep or two, and several minutes later, they secured a deal for Majestic to wrestle in TWD.